Stowarzyszenie Młodych Artystów ECO-POWER zrealizowało kolejny projekt Erasmus+ wraz z partnerami z Czech, Hiszpanii, Litwy, Słowacji, Turcji oraz Włoch.

As part of the youth exchange project EcoEUth co-financed by Erasmus+ and Polska Zielona- the following organizations took part (Wieliczka-Poronin 1-10/11/2022):
- OZ Gulocka (E10077221, SK)
- Petrklič help, z.s. (E10206871, CZ)
- Avrupa Entegrasyon Derneği (E10090622, TR)
- Asociacion Humanitas Sevilla (E10225929, ES)
- Nuova destinazione d’uso (E10053091, IT)
Youth from 7 countries presented local problems related to climate change, geopolitics, sustainable development, ecology, and health threats. During brainstorming and debates, ideas, proposals, posters, and presentations related to environmental and health protection and building peace in the world were created. Ideas for new eco-businesses or other Erasmus+ projects.

A Flash Mob – Give Peace a Chance was created, which allowed to awaken creativity and overcome the resistance associated with „live performance”. The local community – schoolchildren and local media – joined the promotional campaign – coverage in
In the opinion of the participants – about 60% of whom participated in Erasmus+ for the first time, it was a „live changing experience”. During the cultural evenings, the participants were familiarized with the customs and traditions of the participating countries. During the „name games” or energizers, closer relations were established, and joint nature workshops brought closer the problems related to the natural environment. „Survival school” – in the forest or on the Internet, raised knowledge related to the realities of the current world.
Videos and photo reports were created to improve digital competencies. Language or mathematical qualifications were improved by calculating travel costs, etc. Friendships and relationships between organizations were established. It was an amazing experience for all of us. First of all, everyone learned in an atmosphere of great fun and trust. We hope to meet again!!!