Kolejny projekt programu Erasmus + , którego jesteśmy partnerem, współtworzymy treści i aktywnie działamy na rzecz młodych ludzi. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z projektem na oficjalnej stronie oraz pobrania przygotowanego przez zespół projektowy poradnika, w którym znajdziecie miedzy innymi:
- informacje o projekcie i jego celach
- opis organizacji uczestniczących w projekcie
- informacje o tym czego potrzebujesz aby prowadzić projekt i przygotować kampanię w mediach społecznościowych.
Nowadays, political opinion-forming and democratization among young people takes place predominantly in the digital world through Social Media. Media offers innovative and attractive forms for young people in terms of civic participation, participation in current political discussions and influence on the future shaping of society.
According to the current development, the project “Yourope Matters” aims to make better use of the great potential of Social Media and to motivate young people to become multipliers influencers for European issues and values within their peer groups and the general public.
how to participate
What do you think about Europe?
Share your ideas, visions about Europe and become part of our community
1. Record a video
2. Share it on your social media channels
3. Tag the video with the hashtag #youropematters
how we can help youthworkers
During our project we did a lot of research, gained experience and trained ourselves. We now want to share this knowledge with other youthworkes. For this purpose, we have developed a manual that contains specific suggestions, case studies and exercises in order to create a social media campaign together with young people.
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