Uczestnicy z Chorwacji, Cypru, Grecji, Rumunii, Wloch i Polski beda szukac wspolnych odpowiedzi na nurtujace ich problemy.
Projekt odbedzie sie w Poroninie oraz w Krakowie
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It started in 1948 with the first article that states – we are all free and equal in dignity and rights. Each human being from the moment of its birth has 30 rights which ensure that we will always be protected no matter where we live, how we look like or what we believe in. This is the essence of tolerance and equality. Unfortunately, there are still people who break those fundamental rights or they just don’t know them properly. That is why we created a youth exchange, called Human Rights Squad, which will take place in Poronin between 2nd and 9th November 2017 with the aim promote importance and role of the Human Rights on a daily basis among youngsters within Erasmus+ Programme. 42 youngsters and youth leaders from Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Croatia, Poland with the help of methodology of non-formal education will deepen the topic of human rights. As the final result of our project, we will create a social campaign in the nearest bigger city Zakopane (the capital of polish mountains) where we will invite people to discuss and better understand their own rights. Each participant will get a Youthpass certificate as a tool to recognize gained by them competencies during 8-day long project.
• To increase the knowledge about human rights – their role and importance among young people;
• To share the knowledge about the dangers and challenges of today’s Europe;
• To exchange best practices and share personal experience;
• To prepare young people to create solutions, by presenting examples of cruel reality;
• To create a happening
• To promote active citizenship and participation in society;
• To increase the sense of social responsibility.
strona projektu na facebooku:https://www.facebook.com/groups/258725144647323/