Don’t be mean, keep air clean!

Erasmus+ Project “Don’t be mean, keep air clean!” 

During the week 1st-8th of September 2023, our organization took part in Erasmus+ Project “Don’t be mean, keep air clean!” in Akçakoca, Düzce, Turkey. Along with 30 other participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, and, of course – Turkey, we were raising awareness of air pollution, a common and well-known problem… right? Not exactly. Air pollution is a very serious problem that affects our health on a daily basis, slowly causing health problems. During the project, we were raising awareness about this problem, discussing the scale of it in our countries and thinking about solutions to it, by activities in the local community and debates. Of course, we were also learing about different cultures, quickly becoming friends and talking to each other about our hobbies, spending our free time together at the sea, sharing passions and dancing in the evenings. The project taught us a lot, not only about the seriousness of air pollution, that something has to be done, but more importantly, that the change starts with us, we have to start it! By bonding with other participants, now our friends, we learnt a lot about their cultures, countries, points of views. We had so, so much fun together and we surely won’t forget it!


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