
📢 #YouropeMatters a European project to bring young people together around common topics!

Hello everyone,

🇪🇺 We cooperate as partner organization of the Yourope Matters project, a project supported by the Erasmus+ program and which aims to help youth workers (teachers, educators, animator etc.) to interact with young people on European issues using audiovisual media as a creative means. 🎬

We are proud to present to you a beautiful production realized within the framework of our project Yourope Matters, the fruit of a collective work : The Handbook!

❓What is the Handbook? 

It is a support book, a support for all the people working daily with a public of young people. It is a real resource that could soon become essential to you. You will find a set of articles / chapters about the particularities of young audiences, teaching methods, educational trends, workshop ideas to promote debate and dialogue, but also many tips and tricks that will allow you to appropriate a set of tools that particularly appeal to young people.

🎯 Who is the Handbook for? 

All people working with youth audiences, youth workers. But also all people interested in the themes that are addressed in it! In fact, everyone can find a use for it, so don’t hesitate to download it! 

📚 We invite you to download, and discover for free here: http://youropematters.eu/campus/ 📥

📆 If you want to meet youthworkers from all over Europe, exchange and learn more about our project, you can find us at our conference which will take place on June 19, 2021 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm on Zoom, more info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1405598596507056 . We hope to see you there! 🖥

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!

Jesteśmy partnerem w projekcie YouropeMatters, który jest finansowany ze środków programu Erasmus+. Projekt ma na celu stworzenie niezbędnych narzędzi wspomagających pracę edukatorów, nauczycieli, pedagogów, animatorów itp. z młodymi ludźmi, aby móc ciekawie dyskutować o problemach Europy za pomocą środków audiowizualnych. W trakcie prac projektowych stworzono poradnik, który można pobrać ze strony projektu za darmo i wykorzystać do własnych potrzeb. Serdecznie zachęcamy do pobrania: http://youropematters.eu/campus/

Jeśli chcesz spotkać się wirtualnie z młodzieżą i osobami wspomagającymi ich rozwój, dowiedzieć się więcej na temat projektu – zachęcamy do wzięcia udziału w konferencji, która odbędzie się na platformie ZOOM w dniu 19 czerwca w godzinach od 14-16. Więcej informacji pod tym adresem: https://www.facebook.com/events/1405598596507056

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